Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Roy F. Powell Award, Deadline 2/16!

Georgia Southern University’s Department of Writing and Linguistics presents:
The Roy F. Powell Award
Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction Writing Competition
$100 prize in each category!Publication in Miscellany!
The Rules:
1. The competition is open to all Georgia Southern University students.
2. You may enter one or all categories by submitting three poems and/or one short story no longer than five pages and/or one nonfiction work (autobiography, essay, editorial, biographical profile, journalistic feature story, review, historical, and other true-life material) no longer than eight pages. Include your name, address, phone number, e-mail on the cover page of your entry.
3. All entries must be original and unpublished.
4. All entries must be typewritten and double spaced on one side of 8-1/2 x 11 paper. Since manuscripts will not be returned, please do not enclose an SASE. Keep the original copy of your manuscript, and submit a good quality photocopy.
5. Send entry (indicate on the envelope whether poetry or fiction or non-fiction) to:
The Roy F. Powell Award Writing Competition, Department of Writing and Linguistics, P.O. Box 8026.
6. All entries must be received by February 16, 2007. Winners will be notified by March 2, 2007. If you have not been contacted by this date, you can assume your entry is not a finalist. We regret we cannot contact you personally. For more information: enelson@georgiasouthern.edu (poetry), or pchrstphr@georgiasouthern.edu (fiction), or shuber@georgiasouthern.edu (nonfiction).